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Rome is one of my favorite cities I’ve visited.  There are so many things to see and do.  I bet you could live there you’re whole life and not see and do everything.  In total, I’ve spent about 2 months {maybe a little more} in Italy, over 3 trips in the past 2 years.  Most of that time was spent in Rome.  On my first trip, I went with my mom, who is my most frequent travel buddy because we like to do all of the exact same things.  One of our favorite movies to watch together as I was growing up was Roman Holiday. The night we arrived in Rome for the first time we mapped out all the things we wanted to see during our first week there.  Because we love Roman Holiday so much, we decided what better way to begin our trip, and see the highlights of the city, than to follow the steps of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.

The very first stop we made was directly outside our hotel: The Spanish Steps:

It turned out a little more difficult to find all the places Hepburn and Peck has visited because every map we could find looked like this:

As you can see, the landmarks are so big, it is often hard to see what street it is actually located on.  Obviously, the easiest to find was the Colosseum:

Next we made our way over to the Pantheon, which took a lot of patience, missed buses, and really long walks to find.  After that we decided to give our shoes a rest and do the most touristy thing possible: take a bus tour.  This turned out to be a brilliant idea because we got an idea of the general layout of the city and saw all the major attractions.  The hop-on/hop-off feature of the bus tour was great because we spent as long as we wanted as each stop and just caught the next available bus when it came around.

After a full day of running around the city, we headed back to our hotel and caught up on some much needed sleep.

By far the hardest thing to find was the Mouth of Truth.  We finally found it on our last day in Rome, which was a huge relief to me because it was at the top of my list to visit.

The only thing I didn’t get to do was drive a Vespa.   But, hey, I have to leave something for next time, right?

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