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Spain road trip, the Costa Brava, reviews Spain hotels,

Last week, my sisters and I had the great idea to rent a car from the Barcelona South train station and drive up the coast to France.  This coast, called the Costa Brava -aka wild coast- was even more beautiful than I had expected.  This time of year, we were able to find killer deals on some pretty stunning hotels.

Hoping on the A-9, we headed up the coast, stopping along any seaside towns we pleased.  After a couple hours we arrived at our first hotel, the Silken Park Hotel Sant Jorge, whose view is pictured above and below.  This hotel was spectacular in every sense of the word:  Breathtaking views, gorgeous landscapes of the rocky coast, and great service (and drinks!).  Our breakfast was included with the price of the hotel (which was 79 Euro), but for dinner, we ventured off to Sant Antoni de Calonge.

There we found El Galeo, a tapas restaurant, which is the true Spanish experience.  Capas – or passed tapas- are popular in this area and all over Spain.  The trick to this type of restaurant is to start off small.  Before you take a table, grab a couple tapas from the counter and then take your seat.  As the night progresses the servers will bring out served tapas fresh from the kitchen, and trust me, as the night goes on the tapas get better!  After my sisters and I were stuffed full of food, and finished a bottle of wine, we were shocked to find our tab only came to 30 Euro!

We topped off the night with some girl talk in our 3-bed hotel room over another bottle of wine (now THAT is a funny story, but one I can only tell in person!) and fell asleep, dreaming of what adventures the Costa Brava would hold for us tomorrow.

Snap shots from the day:

Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger

IMG_5006 IMG_5005 IMG_4800 Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, Blogger Natalie Grinnell Travel Blog Spain Costa Brava Hotels on the coast of Spain, Spain blogger, American in Europe, BloggerMusical Motivation: Jason Mraz: 93 Million Miles from Jeff Coffman on Vimeo.